
My name is Maz and I live in Airdrie with my husband and children.

We moved to Canada with our four children from England in 2005. Shortly after I found out I was expecting our fifth child. This was great until I found out that the baby was transverse (hammock style) with no intention of moving. At around ten weeks to go to delivery the baby was still in the same position. Reading on the internet I found this was the least likely of positions for a baby to move. The midwives were talking of a hospital (I hate hospitals) visit for a manipulation. Up until this point the baby hardly moved at all.

I was frightened of the whole situation, especially the thought of having a c-section. I was willing to try anything. At this point hypnotherapy was suggested to me. I was very skeptical about this, but at this point I was prepared to try anything. From the moment I met Wally Muller I felt at ease, despite me being very much a control freak. He explained that this would only work if I wanted it to and that I would be in control at all times. During my time with Wally he coached me on my breathing and had me visualize things, which had me more and more relaxed with each breath. Throughout all of this I was very aware of my surroundings and felt very comfortable. One of my biggest fears was that I would not be able to cope with a fifth child and this was the first time I had realized how under pressure I felt. I felt so uninhibited that I could have told Wally my life story, had he been able to spare several hours yet this was the first time we had met.

Upon leaving the hypnosis session I really felt as if I could take on the world. I was relaxed and confident, but very surprised at how effective this had been. Two days later I went for a midwife appointment and discovered that the baby had turned head down. I felt a huge sense of relief and happiness.

I would not hesitate being hypnotized by Wally again.